Minahil Arslan

Minahil Arslan

Pakistan Flood: The Country Underwater!

Following almost 2 months of intense flooding in Pakistan, the country has been left in an extremely vulnerable position. The flooding, occurring consequently after a disastrous monsoon in the majority of south and western parts of Pakistan has submerged over…

What Your Nails Say About Your Health?

Everyone’s dream is to have strong and healthy fingernails, however, deem it as a hard task to keep them that way. Your fingernails may have dents, ridges and areas of unusual colour or shape, which can be avoided with proper…

The Smiling Rabbit In The Moon.

Many have theorised about the smiling rabbit on the moon, pounding on a log or pestle. Different places across the globe have their own creative ideas about how it may have come to be there, letting it descend through the…

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Becoming is an insightful anecdote by Michelle Obama documenting her somewhat unprivileged childhood, through her year of education and into her two-time presidential term as the First Lady of the United States or FLOTUS. It represents her obstacles and victories,…

Listen To The Moon

Listen to the moon is an intriguing novel tracing the story of a young girl stranded on the uninhabited isle of Scilly and the boy who found her.  Alfie and his father find a young girl – abandoned, wounded and…

Disney’s Mulan | Movie Review

Loyal 忠誠, Brave勇敢, True真 Mulan is an incredible action movie featuring a girl who fights in the Chinese war in replacement for her injured father.  Mulan is a fearless and courageous warrior who would do anything to bring honour to…

The Portal | Book Review


The portal is a book full of mystery waiting to be solved creatively written by Andrew Norriss. Beginning with William and Daniel Seward’s return from school, having found their parents have disappeared. Not long after, William discovers there is a…