Soul by Disney Pixar | Movie Review

“We only have a short time on this planet. You want to become the person that you were born to be. Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you. The brilliant passionate you, that’s ready to contribute to something meaningful into this world.”
Soul is a spiritually and sentimentally pleasing movie that would appeal to anyone of any age. It shows us the life of a middle school band teacher, Joe Gardener, who is passionate about music but whose mother has other plans for. One day, the best day of his life he is suddenly whisked away to the place between life and death but is too scared to comprehend the fact that he is destined to die. He manages to escape to the Great Before or the “You Seminar”, a place where souls go before they are born to receive their personalities and find their spark with the help of their mentors. Joe is put in charge of a particularly trying soul and realises that she could be the key to him getting back to Earth. He makes it his mission to find her spark. Together, they learn about what makes life worth living. I would recommend this movie to someone who likes funny, lively movies that can also be thought provoking and stimulating. I believe it is a must watch for everyone at least once in their life. It is inspiring and refreshes your view of life. It derides humans while showing what makes them, and life so amazing. It makes you want to get up and make a change in the world.

“What would you want to be known for on Earth”

One comment

  1. Thank you for writing this. I watched and enjoyed this movie a lot when I watched it last year, reading your review reminded me of what I loved about it – be the person you were born to be ! 🙂

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