Many viewers may find the movie a disappointment but, having not read the books, I find it an intriguing, powerful movie and can’t wait for a part 2.
The story is narrated by Mulch, a giant dwarf who is being interrogated by unknown officials about the activity of Artemis’s dad, Artemis Fowl sr. He reports the adventures of young Artemis Fowl instead, a clever, impertinent young boy who lives in Ireland, the only place on Earth where magic really exists and flourishes though not in the eyes of humans, at least not ordinary humans. When his father is kidnapped and held with a ransom of the mysterious Aculos, he is shown secrets he would have been told later; the secrets of his family’s business. However, he is not the only one after it. LEPrecaun, a fairy organisation, also want to claim the Aculos for they believe they are its guardians and need to protect it. This results in a few clashes between Artemis and the fairies, once involving a full-fledged troll.
The movie is rated 12+ but it should be suited to 8+ year olds. It is only an hour and a half long but watching it makes the time fly. The graphics and set were incredible; it was unlike any movie I’d seen before, bold and enterprising. It is made for fans of Harry Potter but with a bit more edge and portrays immense courage and teamwork. It is available on Disney+ and watching it will leave you waiting for his next adventures. I would though recommend reading the books first for some parts of the movie are a bit ambiguous.