
Birmingham, Uk

Climate Crisis

Climate change is real. It is happening right now.

The State of the Climate – 2024 edition

ByByNimra ArslanFeb 18, 2024

Amidst so many crises we can only try to comprehend another article about the climate. It’s not that we don’t care about it but the articles tell us one thing,…

Earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria.

ByByNimra ArslanFeb 21, 2023

Multiple fatal earthquakes have caused insurmountable destruction in the already war-torn areas of Syria and a significant region of Turkey.  The earthquakes, which have come to be known as the…

Pakistan Flood: The Country Underwater!

ByByMinahil ArslanSep 28, 2022

Following almost 2 months of intense flooding in Pakistan, the country has been left in an extremely vulnerable position. The flooding, occurring consequently after a disastrous monsoon in the majority…

TONGA Volcano Eruption & Tsunami

ByByNimra ArslanJan 18, 2022

On the 15th of January, the Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’appai volcano in Tongo exploded devastating the surrounding islands. The extent of the shockwave is yet unclear as the communication systems are down.…

Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheets Serve as a Stark Reminder of Global Warming.

ByByMinahil ArslanAug 28, 2021

Climate Change is proving itself all over the world – having detrimental effects in many areas. But could it still hit so badly in the most unlikely of places?  The…

Wildfires rage through Algeria, People are forced to evacuate!

ByByNimra ArslanAug 15, 2021

North Africa is the latest to be hit by the climate crisis. Since Monday, at least 69 people have died, 41 civilians and 28 soldiers. The president, Abdel Madjid has…

Climate change; the ignored problem of our time.

ByByNimra ArslanOct 4, 2020

As you may already know, climate change is one of the biggest problems we, as a planet are facing right now and scientists believe that 2020 is our last chance…

Global Warming

ByByMinahil ArslanSep 23, 2020

Global Warming, It’s a threat  It’s a warning It causes droughts And that with no doubts It causes fire That will never expire It causes hunger Even to the younger…