Nimra Arslan

Nimra Arslan

Ode To Food

Breakfast, you really can’t miss it,It’s the most important meal of the day. Weetabix, tea and toast,Croissant from the oven just beginning to roast. Rice crispies, coco pops,When the list begins, it never stops. Pancakes, waffles, boiled eggs,Please that’s enough…

The Bottom Of The Ocean

Mia dived into the ocean. Even with all her specialist scuba diving equipment, the first thing she noticed was the cold. It engulfed her as if she was being wrapped in a frozen blanket. The second thing that struck her…

The Jungle Binoculars


Edward and Sarah hesitantly pushed open the doors leading to the attic. It was their go-to hiding space for when they were in a spot of trouble like they were now. “Let’s check out that box over there” whispered Edward,…

Matilda | Book Review


If you’re looking for an inspiring yet magical book to sink into, look no further. Matilda, by Roald Dahl, is a heart-warming story with unforgettable plots and memorable characters. The illustrations are also one of a kind. To be enjoyed…