US Elections 2020, The race has ended!

On the 7th November 2020, Joe Biden made history with his landslide victory in the US election. There was much unrest with president Donald Trump so this has been a turnaround for many Americans. The tension lasted for about a week with a record number of voters voting through the post. 

The two main candidates were Donald Trump, the previous president and Joe Biden. Donald Trump is the leader of the republicans and Joe Biden led the democrats.

Elephant represents Republicans and Donkey represents Democratic

Republicans believe in:

  • Lower taxes; you have to pay for healthcare and other facilities with your own money
  • Freedom of guns; you are allowed to use guns at your own will
  • Tighter restrictions on immigration; less or no people are allowed to enter the country

Democratic however means:

  • Everyone has equal rights
  • Action on climate change
  • Health insurance for everyone

Like many other countries, an election is held every 4 years, but this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, there was uncertainty as to whether or not it would go ahead. Donald Trump has been banning Muslims into the country and building walls to stop immigrants from getting into the US whereas Joe Biden is a firm believer in equality, safety, and happiness for all.

There have been many, many protests and rallies regarding this election as both parties have extremely different views. Lots have been peaceful but a few became violent and the police had to intervene. This election has been essential since the outcome affects the entire world; America has ties across the whole globe. 

Joe Biden is the 15th democratic US president and his Vice is Kamala Harris who is the first female vice president, the first black vice president, and the first Asian vice president. Joe Biden promises his first action as President will be to remove the ban on Muslims. He also promises to end the unfair treatment to BAME people.

Now that Joe Biden has won, people are hopeful that this could be the change they were waiting for in the US.

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